Symptoms such as excessive weight gain, hormonal imbalance, facial hair growth, acne, heavy bleeding, absence of menstruation, or sleeping differences can be associated with multiple conditions. However, in women, they generally indicate 2 prime diseases, namely PCOD and PCOS.
Many people often confuse both of these conditions as they share identical symptoms, complications, and association with ovaries and hormonal differences during reproductive age. Although Symptoms of PCOS and PCOD may be similar, these are two different disorders and require individualized treatment, care, and medical assistance.
What is PCOD?
Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) is a medical condition, where ovaries either release wholly immature, or partially mature eggs in large numbers which with time turn into small cysts (sacs filled with liquid).
Besides hormonal fluctuations, there can be a list of factors that may contribute to the occurrence of PCOD such as unhealthy dietary choices, sedentary lifestyle, and distress.
Medical experts also consider this disease as a pre-diabetic condition that persists for a chronic period, and works as an open invitation to diabetes. Besides causing ovaries enlargement, PCOD can also affect fertility, skin, and digestive health to a great extent.
What is PCOS?
Standing for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, PCOS is an extreme version of PCOD that involves Hyper Androgyny condition where there is an excess of male hormones in the female body causing miscommunication between the master gland pituitary and the ovaries.
Females with PCOS roga/ disease don’t ovulate because of excessive androgens in their bodies. Instead of releasing eggs, small cysts tend to build up in the ovaries.
Not bound to just diabetes, acne, and irregular periods, PCOS could also prompt serious complications, for example, coronary illness, hypertension, and endometrial cancer. Ayurvedic treatment for Pcos is highly advised for the patients as it not only focuses on healing pcos but also the associated diseases thereto.
How are the two conditions different?
Often termed the same, there is a list of dissimilarities between Polycystic ovarian disease and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Differentiation merely based on symptoms-based assumptions can’t be considered satisfactory to any extent.
It is crucial to consult a gynecologist, or healthcare expert to detect, and diagnose pcod and pcos. However, below are certain heads that may help you to know the difference between PCOS and PCOD
Full Form of PCOD and PCOS
PCOD: Polycystic ovarian disease
PCOS: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Prevalence of PCOD and PCOS
PCOD: It is way more common as compared to PCOS.
PCOS: It is not rare but comparatively less common than PCOD.
Number of cysts in PCOD and PCOS
PCOD: Minimum number of cysts.
PCOS: More than 10 numbers of cysts.
Reversibility possibility
PCOD: It is possible to reverse PCOD with all necessary medication, precautions, and dietary adjustments.
PCOS: Quite impossible to reverse PCOS, even after all due medical treatment and precautions.
PCOD: It is mainly a hormonal imbalance problem.
PCOS: It is an endocrine system problem.
Effects on fertility
PCOD: No major influence on fertility, as women can still get pregnant.
PCOS: It majorly, and adversely affects fertility, and natural conceiving is very difficult.
Release of eggs
PCOD: The ovaries release immature, and partially mature eggs.
PCOS: The ovaries stop releasing eggs.
PCOD: Women with PCOD still ovulate.
PCOS: In the case of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, women no longer ovulate.
Medical tests
PCOD: Majorly ultrasound.
PCOS: Ultrasounds, blood tests, hormonal tests, and physical examinations can be used as a basis to detect PCOS.
Major Risk factors
PCOD: Poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and hormonal fluctuation.
PCOS: Insulin resistance, heredity, and diabetes.
Ayurvedic viewpoint
In Ayurveda, the governance of reproductive health in the female body is based on Arthava Dhatu. It is a channel that carries Artavavaha srota (reproductive fluid) and maintains proper control over menstruation.
Considering Ayurvedic ideologies, Prajnaparadha, mandagni, and excessive intake of Kapha-alleviating foods are certainly major factors responsible for the development of PCOS and PCOD Symptoms.
Besides primary factors, Mithyachara (unhealthy dietary intake) and Mithyavihara (sluggish lifestyle) also contribute to the manifestation of PCOD, and PCOS. However, by choosing Ayurvedic treatment for pcod and pcos, you can easily manage, and even heal your concerns.
- Says Dr. Mukesh Sharda (Owner and CEO of Dr. Sharda Ayurveda)
During such unfavorable circumstances, harmful toxins instead of being eliminated, start accumulating in rasa, and raktadhatu, eventually resulting in cyst formation and irregular menstruation.
Modern science says that curing PCOS, and PCOD is a challenging and sometimes impossible condition, but on the other hand, Ayurvedic practitioners believe that by choosing Ayurveda for Pcos Pcod, one can easily attain relief.
Their beliefs have been proven to be right to a great extent. There are innumerable ladies worldwide who have successfully gained relief from these disorders naturally, just by choosing Ayurveda. You can check the reviews of such PCOD/PCOS patient reviews.
Not only your physical appearance but also your mental health, and even routine activities can be disturbed if no due attention and treatment care is obtained timely. Ayurveda offers a holistic healing approach through which one can easily ease the complications of PCOD and PCOS, naturally, and effectively.